The benefits from living at home (Saving money, not having the responsibility of a house etc, not having to pay for groceries...) are starting to totally NOT outweigh the negatives (having no control over the environment, people moving your stuff around and not knowing where it is when you need it, being affected by 4 other people's moods, not cooking your own meals, having to clean up after 4 other people...).
I thought I could do it for the duration of the summer since I gave up the job in Pittsburgh but I am 100% regretting that. This house is driving me insane. When I was in Denver my brother and I talked about this happening. Last fall when I drove him down we really bonded. He came home for a month at xmas and said "I don't like you anymore." It really hurt me but he was picking up on the difference of my moods when I live at home versus when I don't.
I have an amazingly supportive family who gave me everything I could possibly need. They spoiled me rotten. But they drive me insane. Communication is awful around here. Someone is always pissed about something. I have no control over the cleanliness of the house. No one contributes so I figure why the hell should I. UGH, either way I need to get out of here. Its too much to handle living here and I am WAYYYYY happier and less stressed when I live on my own. Or somewhere besides here haha. Im def regretting my decision to stay in Erie for the summer. Not to mention my babysitting hours are wayyyy less than I anticipated so I am making like 0 dollars and I am spending way too much time at the house. No hobby will take up enough time either! Ugh.
I got so pissed the other day when my mom/dad and I had a fight over something ridiculous and were standing in the kitchen screaming at each other which ended in my mom saying "If you don't like it, go somewhere else!" and I said "Why the $%* do you think I am going to guatemala?" and then she cried saying "You don't have to go all the way to Guatemala to get away from me". This ranks up there on the dramatic scale with her comment a few months back that went something like "Just hope you dont come back in a body bag".
All I know is I am setting aside money so the minute I get back I can get off the plane and go to my new apartment because I will NOT move back home again. Somebody
hold me to it!
GOOD NEWS: I will be house sitting for 10 days, starting in 48 hours so I will have some freedom for a few days. Cant wait!!!
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