One late night of channel surfing led to stumbling on a really amazing documentary called "Raising Bains." Its about this family, Kathy and Dave Bain, who had one biological son and have adopted 12 other children. 8 of them are part of a biological family that was going to be split up but were then all adopted by this family. Its so fun to watch what that sort of mixed family is like and the dynamics and just the mixing of personalities. The dad is also some type of professional in the field of adoption counseling so they are really prepared to handle all these kids. Anyways, its basically the life that I want. I'd love to have a few of my own and then adopt a handful of kids, too. I think theres something really amazing about all of that.
I just started their FB page, if you would like to "Like" it, lol!
My wife and I met the Bain's when they had our Granddaughter Lynn Marie Ward as a foster child that they fell in love with and wanted to also adopt her also. Well she has grown into a fine 7 yr old in second grade and such a Little Miss America. The Bain's are the best and wish them the best in all their endevors with such a large family.