2010 has been a year of epic proportions in so many ways. Lets review...
Jan -- Everyone makes stupid new years resolutions that last about a day and in buying a membership to a gym I feared for a minute that that was going to be me this year. However, I succeeded in going to the gym at least three times a week with one of my friends/coworkers and I actually enjoyed it. I kept it up until I left in September :)
February--My dad got sick which made for an emotional February.
Mar- I officially bought my tickets to go to Guatemala in September. I've had it in my head that i'd like to travel again for quite awhile now and learning Spanish had been on my bucket list for nearly my entire life (thanks, Selena). So here we go!
April--As per usual, my birthday is always the highlight. There is something just so very badass about having so many of my friends come to Erie to celebrate with me. Another amazing bday!!! The highlight was getting another tattoo, doing a autism walk at the beach with my cousin, going to dinner with my family and raging with tons of my favorite people! (sorry for slinging myself over the back seat, slipping off and running the wrong way into the rainy night...!)
May--Spent a week in Denver with my family to celebrate my brothers graduation and then spent a week in California with my SAS friends. I have no words for how awesome May was. Hell of a May! :)
June-I made a hobby of riding my bike around asbury park (usually with my friend Leah) and that was one of the highlights of my summer. I also started babysitting for a family in June which turned out to be both challenging and really fun. The little one was 3 and turning 4 and not yet potty trained so that became my project...which I succeeded at :)
July-- Spend July 4th at the farm with friends, beers, beach, sparklers and the lake. Oh and like 45 cheeseburgers.
August-- I checked another one off my bucket list for the summer and slept in a tent in my backyard for a few nights. and the highlight of my WHOLE summer...the John Mayer concert :)
Sept--Whitney and I went to guatemala! We spent the month there, met some amazing people, saw some of the most beautiful things i've ever seen and I officially fell in love with the place! It sure didn't take long. I was really nervous to go after reading all the reports about how dangerous it is and how "at risk" I was going to be. But it's been incredible. Definitely one of my favorite places on earth...so far.
Oct- Traveled around Belize and Honduras. In belize we went snorkeling and spent a week on a ridiculously tranquil and beautiful island.
Nov-- My friend left me sola in costa rica and I started traveling all by myself for the first time ever. I lived with a family in costa rica for the month and made some great friends in my roommates and other volunteers. Spent 4 weeks volunteering at an orphanage and laying some groundwork for my future as i'd like to work in international adoption. I also learned a little spanish while i was there.
December! - I've never REALLY traveled totally solo...until now. In early December I left Costa Rica and crossed the border into Panama by myself. I cried. I was so nervous and the first night was the worst. But real quick I made some friends, saw some sights (the panama canal was amazing!) and made it home in time to celebrate christmas with my family. The best part was that I had a flight home and only a handful of people knew, NOT including my parents...who nearly shit themselves when I walked in the front door saying "Anyone home". Imagine their surprise when I was supposed to be skyping them from Panama.
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