Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Police and Sword Fights

On my way home from work this morning I hear on the radio some news that made me chuckle.

It went something like this...
Police in Lafayette County were called to the scene when a sword fighttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifht broke out between two men in one of their residences.

Um, are we serious with this? A SWORD fight??

This obviously reminds me of the warped-zone I grew up in called Erie PA where twice now a full on medieval sword fight was happening on 8th street in Frontier Park. A group of adult males dressed in full medieval costumes...flags and everything.

So in this dangerous world of knights and sword fights, one should always know How to win a Sword Fight. See link:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

More funny things

Literally, I watched this like 14 times and laughed equally as hard each time.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Things to make you laugh

75 hour work weeks

Since having moved to Pittsburgh, life has been hectic. Unfortunately I drained my savings traveling and have had to really work my ass off to get out from under that debt. I have been sending out application after application in hopes of securing a full time job in the near future. This job market feels impossible. Im either too qualified for a job or under qualified. Having only a masters in Psychology and getting a job feels impossible right now. But I still keep filling out those damn applications...i'm starting to see them in my sleep!

I was able to go back to Turtle Creek and work with the Summer Treatment Program that I worked with 2 years ago. It was an entirely different experience than it was 2 years ago but still very worthwhile.

The rest of the time (when i'm not job hunting), I've been babysitting for 5 other families night and day. Overnights with 1 month olds, late night with a strippers children, day time with a working mom and weekends for parents trying to catch a minute to themselves.

Literally some of these weeks have been 75 hour weeks. Insanity.

Im in the process of working my ass off, re-learning how to live on my own and pay my bills, and figuring out what's next for me.

When I know, you'll know :)