Sunday, January 30, 2011

Vida Sin Musica

True to form, within a few days of being out of the country I was robbed...again. This is like the 2nd time in two months...getting a little ridiculous here. Unfortunately THIS time I actually lost something I am really pissed about not having, my music player!!! How is one to be abroad for 4 months without ANY music. Do you have a clue what this does to any bus ride I ever have to take. I do. It makes it seem about 14 hours longer, on average! And the hour or less a day I spend at an internet cafe listening to music on YouTube is not cutting it either....although at this point in my life I am eternally grateful to that technology.

The last two days the people next door have been playing music so I have gotten a little music relief...or I would have, had they not been playing Danza Kuduro on repeat for at least an hour yesterday only to resume the track at 8am this morning. player, where have you gone!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lunch Menu< food poisoning

Yesterday I spent the better portion of my day with the porcelin goddess thanks to a lovely batch of food bourne illness that I contracted god knows how. So today when the family asked if id like to climb the mountain and cut down coffee beans with them, I could not have been any more unenthusiastic about it. Instead I spent the day in my bathing suit sunning myself of the rooftop terrace and feeling like i was wearing far too little clothing to be appropriate for Guatemalan society. It was fabulous.

Rosa, my host mom, around say 9am, told me that she would leave lunch on the table for me and whenever I was hungry I could eat. With a still queasy stomach I made my way downstairs to find a plate of food set out. Cucumbers, avacados and tortillas which I was excited about...and some slab of cold meat that looked like it was taken off the head of a pig. Now on a normal day when I am healthy, I would be leery about consuming cold pig meat that had been sitting out for 3 plus hours....but after having a days worth of bodily functions gone awry, the last thing I was putting in my mouth was that meat! Bleh!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

people in hostels

I was staying in Antigua for like 4 days to kill time before heading to the lake to go to Spanish school. The hostel I was in was not my favorite...amazing breakfast but DARK and not cozy whatsoever. So I switched, thankfully to enjoy my last day here.

I got to the hostel yesterday and therefore had dibs on the beds. There are 6 beds in the room, none of them bunks. So I, intelligently, took the bed by the window thinking I'd get the breeze and the most light, right? Right. But what I hadnt factored in was everyone in the room thinking climbing across my stuff and my bed to open/shut the window was appropriate....nor did I consider the possibility that someone would actually climb across my bed/stuff to lay their towel on the window ledge. Ugh. People in hostels sometimes, my goodness...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Grams rules to live by

January 22nd is the birthday of my favorite person in the Gram Vitelli. I think all her grandchildren agree that without her our childhoods would have been a lot different.

A few rules to life we have learned thanks to Gram:

10. When COPS comes on, its quiet time...wherever you are.
9. Cream cheese balls covered in m&ms are a staple for any party or matter how big or small
8. LayZ BOy chairs are the only appropriate forms of furniture...if possible, stock arm compartment with Yanni CDs.
7. When something breaks, dont use duck tape. Use underwear bands. Always.
6. Confusion over pick up time of ones grandmother signifies nothing other than she is a piece of meat.
5. The strings in chicken wings ARE actually rubber bands.
4. Blankets should be used for making big, big piles and couches should be used to jump off of onto said pile of blankets.
3. Long sleeves were invented to stuff tissues into when you are not using them.
2. Sun light is the best shampoo money can buy.
1. There is nothing in the world a day at the beach and an order of Saras curly fries with cheese wont fix.

And a bonus rule...
-A wooden spoon can send anyone running to the back room.

Happy Birthday LEV. Thinking of you and missing you always. <3

A Dummy in search of an Irish Pub

Last time I was in Antigua Whitney and I had some delicious food at a popular Irish Pub called Reilleys. Naturally upon arriving in Antigua I was jonesing for a hearty vegetable sandwich from Reilleys. Now Antigua is difficult to navigate even with superior map reading skills so I figured i spend a good hour or two walking around before I actually found the place. Little did I Know, that hour would turn into several added up over the course of 3 days...and still no veggie sandwich.

Finally a genius idea: google it dummy! SO I did. And found out it had recently moved. I felt like much less of an idiot at this point knowing of course I couldnt find it, it had moved!! This phase of elation didnt last long when I then realized the new Reilleys was literally 3 doors down from the hostel I had been staying at for 3 days now. But to my great satisfaction I did finally get that veggie sandwich and it was just as delicious as I remember it.

True Life: I draw portraits

There is a really cool street here in Antigua where it is common on the weekends for artists to set up and try to sell jewelry or paintings or something. Frequently they are foreigners trying to make a little cash...

Today I went in search of a bookstore and instead found the most hysterical thing ever. These are the moments in traveling where it sucks being alone because laughing out loud like a crazy is totally inappropriate...however much you may like to.

There is a man with his "art" set up. He has a cardboard sign and hand written it says "PORTRAITS" and has a small example of his work. I love a good portrait and I love seeing artwork so I got excited. But I was severely confused when what I saw was a "portrait" drawn in pen of what appeared to be Emily Rose before her exorcism in the style of this fantastic artist whose work is displayed below...

The only thing that could have made this better is if it had been drawn on looseleaf. Tell me you would have a hard time not laughing at that!?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Warning: Idiot Move Ahead

So I have traveled quite a bit and heard plenty horror stories of lost stolen passports. I get the importance of always knowing where it is. So I found myself completely at a loss for words when I got off the airplane in Guatemala City, got to the car and realized I did not have it anymore.

I went through customs and as I was leaving put my passport in the outside pocket of my bag...a VERY stupid move and a move I have never made before ever. I have no idea what possessed me to do it then. So we walk like 3 minutes to the car, go to put my bags in the trunk and I am like let me just check to make sure I have my passport. Sure enough, MISSING.

Thankfully someone had already found it and taken it to the front desk type area and I was able to get it back with no hassle. Jesus... what a way to start this trip!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

late, as usual

Its now 10pm, I am leaving Erie at 3pm tomorrow and rather than sayyy PACKING, which I have yet to do... I am blogging. What is wrong with me!?

Door smashing

Im sitting here watching a particularly amusing episode of dog the bounty hunger and after watching a too tan ponytailed gorilla man wearing leather studded attire kick a door in I a am left wondering...
Is it really that easy to kick a door in??


Tomorrow I am headed down to Pittsburgh with my parents and taking a flight to Boston where I will stay overnight. Last time I met some pretty interesting characters staying overnight there so this could get interesting! Early Tuesday morning I have a flight to Guatemala and I should arrive around noon.

I made a friend in Antigua last time I was in Guatemala who lives in the city and is going out of his way for me. He's picking me up at the airport and is going to show me around the city! Last time I was in Guatemala City I only saw the embassy and a few other areas through the car window so I am excited to see what it's like.

After I get tired of the city or feel like it is time to move on I am headed back to Lago Atitlan which is like 4 hours West of Guate City. It is the cheapest place I could find to take Spanish school and its fantastically beautiful there so thats where I am headed.

If I like it there and I am learning a lot then I will stay 4-6 weeks before HOPEFULLY having some friends come visit. After that I am headed to Honduras to work with HondurasChildren where I will be volunteering in an Orphanage.

If all goes well I will be home mid-May. :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

'Cuz i'm a gypsy

While in Belize I went and got my tarot cards read and you pick two large cards which are your major "themes" for your life in the next year. Oddly enough I got the wind and a gypsy :)

Maybe there's something to it when my mom calls me a gypsy.

Thus, the theme song to my life

and for good measure, in spanish

Gringo Nightmare

While channel surfing today I got stuck on an "Imprisoned Abroad" program and couldn't stop watching. The story was about Eric Volz, a 20 something Californian who had moved down to San Jaun Del Sur, Nicaragua to start a bilingual publication. He spoke fluent spanish and began dating a gorgeous local girl and they had a relationship that the locals detested. He received a lot of hate mail and she was threatened several times as well by locals. Anyways, he ends up moving to Managua, they break up, she calls him one night sounding really stressed and tells him they can never see each other again. The next day her body is found in San Juan Del Sur in her clothing story in the middle of town.

Eric gets blamed for it despite overwhelming evidence in favor of his innocence (cell phone call from Managua, car rental slip in Managua which is over 2 hours away, proof of a business phone conference at the time of her murder, etc). He ends up spending nearly a year in an infamous jail in Managua that houses violent criminals under the worst conditions.

It took interference from an ex CIA official in his case to get him released eventually and acquitted of charges.

I found this story incredible and scary at the same time. Traveling the world you always see how harsh living situations are for some people and how corrupt governments and police are but this is all so insane to me. I used to love the movie Brokedown Palace and if youve ever seen it, this story is so similar! Eric has a book about the details that I would love to read. When I do, ill write.
Doing some research I came across a couple really interesting link...

After reading all of this I came across a post regarding Erics anger at the US for supporting Nicaragua by filming this seasons SURVIVOR not only IN nicaragua, but in san juan del sur...the same city Eric was arrested in.

Now there have been serious accusations against the president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, in regards to his human rights violations and his intense anti-american sentiment. Ortega was in power in the 80s and came back into power a few years ago.

In doing this research I also learned about another similar case happening in Iran currently. Three hikers wandered across the border and were arrested for illegal entry and espionage. One has been released and two remain in jail. They have been there for over 500 days.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Yogi Tea

One of the simplest pleasures in my day is opening up a bag of Yogi Tea and enlightening myself with their spiritual wisdom.

Cup number one of the morning read:
"When ego is lost, limit is lost. You become infinite, kind, beautiful."

Today's second cup came with this little gem:
"Always be pure, simple and honest." :)

If you dont drink tea to have your Yogi morning of your own, go here and find your own inspiration.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Why We Travel

"The ideal travel book," Christopher Isherwood once said, "should be perhaps a little like a crime story in which you're in search of something." And it's the best kind of something, I would add, if it's one that you can never quite find.
I remember, in fact, after my first trips to Southeast Asia, more than a decade ago, how I would come back to my apartment in New York, and lie in my bed, kept up by something more than jet lag, playing back, in my memory, over and over, all that I had experienced, and paging wistfully though my photographs and reading and re-reading my diaries, as if to extract some mystery from them. Anyone witnessing this strange scene would have drawn the right conclusion: I was in love.
For if every true love affair can feel like a journey to a foreign country, where you can't quite speak the language, and you don't know where you're going, and you're pulled ever deeper into the inviting darkness, every trip to a foreign country can be a love affair, where you're left puzzling over who you are and whom you've fallen in love with. All the great travel books are love stories, by some reckoning -- from the Odyssey and the Aeneid to the Divine Comedy and the New Testament -- and all good trips are, like love, about being carried out of yourself and deposited in the midst of terror and wonder."

The year in review

2010 has been a year of epic proportions in so many ways. Lets review...

Jan -- Everyone makes stupid new years resolutions that last about a day and in buying a membership to a gym I feared for a minute that that was going to be me this year. However, I succeeded in going to the gym at least three times a week with one of my friends/coworkers and I actually enjoyed it. I kept it up until I left in September :)

February--My dad got sick which made for an emotional February.

Mar- I officially bought my tickets to go to Guatemala in September. I've had it in my head that i'd like to travel again for quite awhile now and learning Spanish had been on my bucket list for nearly my entire life (thanks, Selena). So here we go!

April--As per usual, my birthday is always the highlight. There is something just so very badass about having so many of my friends come to Erie to celebrate with me. Another amazing bday!!! The highlight was getting another tattoo, doing a autism walk at the beach with my cousin, going to dinner with my family and raging with tons of my favorite people! (sorry for slinging myself over the back seat, slipping off and running the wrong way into the rainy night...!)

May--Spent a week in Denver with my family to celebrate my brothers graduation and then spent a week in California with my SAS friends. I have no words for how awesome May was. Hell of a May! :)

June-I made a hobby of riding my bike around asbury park (usually with my friend Leah) and that was one of the highlights of my summer. I also started babysitting for a family in June which turned out to be both challenging and really fun. The little one was 3 and turning 4 and not yet potty trained so that became my project...which I succeeded at :)

July-- Spend July 4th at the farm with friends, beers, beach, sparklers and the lake. Oh and like 45 cheeseburgers.

August-- I checked another one off my bucket list for the summer and slept in a tent in my backyard for a few nights. and the highlight of my WHOLE summer...the John Mayer concert :)

Sept--Whitney and I went to guatemala! We spent the month there, met some amazing people, saw some of the most beautiful things i've ever seen and I officially fell in love with the place! It sure didn't take long. I was really nervous to go after reading all the reports about how dangerous it is and how "at risk" I was going to be. But it's been incredible. Definitely one of my favorite places on far.

Oct- Traveled around Belize and Honduras. In belize we went snorkeling and spent a week on a ridiculously tranquil and beautiful island.

Nov-- My friend left me sola in costa rica and I started traveling all by myself for the first time ever. I lived with a family in costa rica for the month and made some great friends in my roommates and other volunteers. Spent 4 weeks volunteering at an orphanage and laying some groundwork for my future as i'd like to work in international adoption. I also learned a little spanish while i was there.

December! - I've never REALLY traveled totally solo...until now. In early December I left Costa Rica and crossed the border into Panama by myself. I cried. I was so nervous and the first night was the worst. But real quick I made some friends, saw some sights (the panama canal was amazing!) and made it home in time to celebrate christmas with my family. The best part was that I had a flight home and only a handful of people knew, NOT including my parents...who nearly shit themselves when I walked in the front door saying "Anyone home". Imagine their surprise when I was supposed to be skyping them from Panama.

Jan 11th..where to next?!

Well, the plan had been to return to Guatemala on Jan 11th, stay in Guate City with a friend for a few days and then head North to Coban. I had been here for a few days before and the owner of a hostel there asked me to come back and work for him. I had room/board covered, too. He was also going to look into helping me with spanish school. Truly, it sounded ideal. Maybe it was too good to be true because
THIS hit the news while I have been home for the holidays.

Basically, there is a extremely violent drug cartel known as Los Zetas that runs the Mexican drug trade. In the last year or so they have taken control of the Guatemalan border and have set up areas of control in Guatemalan cities. The government apparently called a state of seige in efforts to expel the Zetas from the region. Unfortunately, this state of seige is focused in Alta Verapaz, mainly Coban...the city I was headed to.

The most recent article I read stated that Zetas overtook 3 radio stations in Coban and threated war on civilians if the government did not stop its counterattacks. Unbelievable.

SOOO with that knowledge, there went my plan. At this point I AM headed to Guatemala city with intentions of staying in southern guatemala for a few weeks. At that point, I hopefully will have secured a volunteer placement near there or in Honduras. I have been spending the majority of my time the last few days researching my options. The problem is I have pretty much blown my savings the last time around and whatever I do needs to be kept amazingly cheap. But most importantly, I need to be safe.

culture shock

Culture Shock. It was inevitable. I found myself starting sentences in Spanish and translating everything I said in Spanish before realizing people speak English here. I have had a phone for like 10 hours and I already hate it. Im not much of a phone person while I live in America so leaving the country is always so nice. So needless to say I hating the texting, ringing and all that real quick. The BEST thing..having clean clothes. The worst thing..having so many clothes!! It was so frustrating to get dressed because I was overwhelmed by my options. Not to mention I hated the way the beans and rice diet supplemented by various other carbs/starches changed my ass. So life back in America has been..well, I dont have the appropriate word.

I have LOVED the time with my friends. I have missed them all while I have been away! I really hope some of them can come visit me when I head back in Jan :)

Home, again

My last two weeks in Central America I flew solo and it was both scary and amazing. I got from the Osa Peninsula, across the border, and several hours north to Bocas Del Toro, an island off the coast of Panama. This included several busses, taxis, ferries...etc and I did at all alone!!

Once I got to Panama I made some friends who I ended up spending my last two weeks with. People on the road are all pretty friendly. Everyone is in the same boat and a lot of travelers are also solo. I would have preferred having a close friend of mine to share the experience with but traveling solo also had its perks.

But alas, it was time to execute the best surprise in Fischer Family History!

I had purchased a flight home around thanksgiving time. I didnt want to go home yet but I also didnt want to miss the holidays. I had been telling my family and friends for months that I probably wouldnt make it home for the holidays. I didnt know if i could afford it and I didnt want them getting their hopes up. One day I found a HUGE discount on flights so I made the purchase and kept it a secret! I flew home on Dec 7th and had my bff megan pick me up. I stayed with her for a few days enjoying some decompression time. I ate a lot of buffalo chicken, watched endless hours of television, stayed in my PJS all day and finally enjoyed a hot shower!! (In all of Costa Rica I probably had 4 hot showers) On Friday Megan drove me up to Erie.

I had set up a Skype Date with my parents so that I knew they would be home. I told them I was "heading north" and would have access to video skype so to be ready. I walked in the front door and said "anybody home?" My mom turned around, SCREAMED, did this weird squat and then cried. My dad had ran out to do an errand so I went upstairs and on Megans phone called my mom on skype. So when he came on the front door we were skyping and he just jumped in the convo. I said "Hey hold on this computer is doing something weird..let me call you back" I creeped down the stairs and heard megan saying "Ugh i just want to talk to her why is this messing up!" And I turned the corner and said "You can talk to me!" My dad stared at me...turned and looked at my mom...stared at me.." Finally I said, hi dad!! and it registered to him that I was actually there!

They had NO clue! And they were very happy that I made it home for the holidays!
The best part was I then got to surprise my friend Lindsey at her art show and I dropped into my old job and surprised the crap out of my old friends and coworkers...all of whom had nooo clue i was coming home either! Id say that surprise was quite the success!

So now I have 4 weeks at home to eat all the hot sauce I can, spend every minute enjoying my comfy bed, a hot shower and all my friends and family!!