Sunday, March 28, 2010

Its like blah, blah blah

So whats new...

My good friend got another DUI and went to jail which is insane. I knew he had a problem but I had no idea it was that bad. Well I suppose thats a lie. I knew it was that bad but you stop involving yourself in the drama of addiction when they won't listen to your attempts to get them to stop. So now there is a rude awakening for him and now rehab which will hopefully get him back on track with the rest of his life. It is insane to talk to someone who is sitting in jail. From what he's told me, it's the shittiest place ever, not that I thought otherwise...

Syracuse lost. Huge upset #2 for the tournament. Didn't make it to the elite 8 which is insane. But the team that beat us is now in the final four so I don't feel so bad about it anymore. I never cared about Syracuse basketball so I feel sorta silly but I am having fun watching the tournament this year. Jimmy Fallon says in Fever Pitch "I like being part of something that's bigger than me, than I. It's good for your sould to invest in something you can't control." I totally agree. So I bought some more Syracuse apparel online and I have full intentions of being all about it next season :)

I found FOUR pairs of jeans the other day. I have to take one back but still, three pairs of nicely fitting jeans in one shopping trip!? I haven't bought jeans in easily 3 years so this was epic. I hate pants shopping. Its a for sure day ruiner. But I am delighted with my purchases and I intend to continue working my ass off at the gym to ensure continued satisfaction with my new jeans! Success!

So ultimately life is good. I am house sitting so I am getting a reminder about what it's like to have some independence with your living situation haha and I am loving it. Def time for me to move out and away! Come September...


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